COGS’ Tackling Inequalities Project – Women’s Community Day – September 2021

This project originally came about after 2 successful years at the International Women’s Day Event, run by Rivers LPC, in 2019 and 2020, where Carol Bates was invited, by Jeredyne Stanley, to attend to help inspire the women who went along.  After some starter sessions were delivered in a fun, safe environment and the great reaction from the women who joined in, it was felt that we could progress this further.

Prior to the first Lockdown, COGS had been planning a project to increase the number of Black, South Asian and minority ethnic female groups, getting involved in learning to play football, with funding from the Sport England/Active Sussex Tackling Inequalities Fund.

We were successful in obtaining some funding but, unfortunately, Covid hit and that was the project delayed indefinitely.   In the meantime, we had meetings with Jeredyne at Rivers LPC, and Sussex Cricket Foundation who also had plans to run a similar project, and we agreed that it would be great to deliver something together.  After further discussions, through the Lockdowns, we now have some dates for the project to start!  We are very excited to be running the Women’s Community Day – Tackling Inequalites Project with Sussex Cricket Foundation, who will be offering starter cricket sessions alongside our football starter sessions.

We will be running 8 x 2 hour sessions over 4 days and the first 2 sessions will be held on Monday 13th September and the next 2 on Monday 20th September.  The days will feature a session in the morning from 09.45 – 11.45 and one in the afternoon from 12.30 – 14.30 at Three Bridges Cricket Club.  There is a bus stop near TBCC so it’s nice and easy to get to and we are offering a travel refund if it’s needed.  We will also have a representative from the Crawley Wellbeing team, if you are interested in finding out more about what activities are on offer locally or if you just want some advice or a chat.

No experience is required and it doesn’t matter what age you are, we just want you to come and have some fun, learn a few new skills and enjoy making some new friends!  All the COGS’ coaches will be female and are FA Approved.

It doesn’t matter what you wear either, although trainers would be great if you have them.  Not to worry if you don’t!

We will be providing refreshments and there will be a goody bag for everyone who takes part.

It’s FREE to attend and participants will need to register their interest with us and can do that by either sending an email to or you can text/Whatsapp Carol Bates on 07837523370, with your name and how many of you are attending. You can also let Jeredyne via Rivers LPC know.

Please spread the word!  We look forward to giving you a friendly welcome.