First home fixture vs. Lewes Ladies’ Vets – 7th May 2016.

With “older” ladies football gathering some momentum, we got together with Lewes Ladies’ Vets, through Lewes in the Community and with the help of Community Manager, Adam Wolecki and Jenny Westaway, we arranged our first fixture with our Sussex friends.  It was on the last day of the football season at Crawley Town FC, on an extremely hot day, but the camaraderie between the 2 teams of ladies was great and was the start of a good friendship.

We played 7v7 and unfortunately, didn’t win (again!) but the ladies involved were absolutely buzzing after such a great fixture.  This was the start of a few meetings at various events between our 2 teams but we always had great fun, enjoyed the competitiveness and began to form some really good friendships.