BHAWFC vs. Man. City Women FC & COGS – 21st October 2018

With the new FAWSL structure being announced where Brighton Women would now play their home games at the Broadfield Stadium, it was an idea by Karen Turner, who said in one of many conversations that are held about COGS, “Why don’t we try and do something before the game with the COGS!”

So, it was an email that was sent out to local youth football clubs to encourage more girls to go and watch the games, that Carol Bates then took the opportunity to ask if we could meet with Brighton and see if we could get together to encourage more supporters and also showcase that Women’s Recreational Football was available for any female supporters to join in.  It was decided that the best opportunity would be to plan something for the visit of Man. City Women on the 21st October.

The result was that we organised a mini Round Robin festival with 4 other local Women’s Recreational teams (Turf Chicks, Canterbury Old Bags, Horsham Eagles and Merstham FC Ladies) with the premise that it was just for participation and fun, with the opportunity for other individual women to join in on the day.  For women who wanted to play, there was both the opportunity to play and then watch the game afterwards, courtesy of Brighton & HA Women.

The morning was a great success, with nearly 50 women participating and other women coming over to the 3G to find out what we were doing.  Visibility and opportunity is what counts where Women’s Recreational Football is concerned and we certainly engaged with both sets of supporters.

Each team played 4 games, after a mass warm up by COGS’ Coach Bradley Wood, on what must have been the hottest October day for many a year!

No scores were recorded and most of the women who played went on to watch the game.  Thanks to Clare Nichols and Pam Chandler, from Sussex County FA, for helping out on the day along with COGS’ Coach, Bradley Wood.

A great day, both for playing and watching Women’s Football.

We are looking forward to teaming up with Brighton Women again, probably, for the Chelsea game on the 9th December!  Watch this space!