COGS, Coronavirus & Care Homes – Drawings & Letters – April 2020.

Like everyone else, we are really missing football!

We’re also missing our visits to Francis Court Care Home to have some fun football with the residents, especially those with dementia.

At times like these, it is heartbreaking that many people can’t visit their relatives who are being looked after by the wonderful carers and key workers.  There are many residents, who will be confused and wonder what is going on and we would like to ask anyone who loves drawing (children included) or those who love writing letters, to look up your local Residential Care Homes and find out what you can do to help cheer up the residents.  We know that drawings (especially from children) and letters will be gratefully received and, locally, we have some addresses where you can send any artwork or letters.  If you are self-isolating and have some free time, this would be an ideal way to spend an hour or so.  It could also be part of a home-school Art or English project!

Roy Booth, (pictured below) is the Customer Relations Manager at Care UK, who manage Francis Court and Milner House and has said the drawings and letters would be most welcome.

Here are the addresses to send them to:

Jo Yorke, Francis Court Care Home, Borers Arms Road, Copthorne, RH10 3LQ

Roy Booth, Milner House Care Home, Ermyn Way, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8TX

You can also send any drawings or letters to another local Care Home, detailed below.  Tracy Phillips is a friend of one of our COGS and said it would be great to also receive any drawings or letters.

Tracy Phillips, Ifield Park Care Home, Rusper Road, Ifield, Crawley, RH11 0JE

Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to get involved!

We’ve also been using the time, at home, to try and brush up on some football skills after seeing some great sessions being offered online.  We’re not quite up with the likes of Jill Scott or Liv Cooke but with plenty of time to practice, who knows what we can do!  Although, it may take more than a few months of isolation to get to grips with kick ups!  Stay safe, everyone!