Sussex County FA Female Coaches’ Evening at COGS – 27th September 2018

For over a year now the Sussex County FA have held regular evenings at their HQ, in Lancing, for Female Coaches to learn more about the game.  Clare Nichols (Sussex County FA’s Football Development Officer) and Pam Chandler, who is a FA Coach Mentor and UEFA B Licence holder, have been running the sessions which have been attended by local Female Coaches.

In a change to previous evenings, we invited Sussex FA to come to a COGS’ session and deliver their Female Coaches Evening among a group of older women who had different levels of ability.

After an initial estimate of approx. 12 women attending the session, Pam then found herself having to re-calculate and amend her session plan when more and more women appeared!  Twenty three was the final number of attendees and well done to Pam for adjusting her session of “Defending when outnumbered” to accommodate so many women.


It was a fantastic evening and great to learn more when scenarios are added into the session, which makes you think a bit more, while you’re playing!


The hour’s coaching was then followed by a 30 minute summary at the end for any questions and discussion.

Thanks to Pam and Clare for the on-site visit and we look forward to the next one.

The Female Coaching workshops are open to any female who is currently coaching or interested in coaching.

If you are interested or require further information, please contact:
Clare Nichols
Football Development Officer
M: 07808 773595 (happy to receive texts)